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The Cenotaph, erected in the St. Norbert Cemetery, was an over-grown, long forgotten homage to the thirteen men who fought and died in World War I and who were connected to the St. Norbert area.

In 2008, Art Bloomfield, long-time St. Norbert resident, took a closer look at the overgrown monument while walking his young grandson to preschool. Soon after, he and his family made it their personal mission to ensure that the cenotaph and those thirteen men whose names are etched in stone were forgotten no more.

Celebrate and honour these men at the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month.

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To visit the cenotaph, please use this map.

Land Acknowledgement

We would like to acknowledge that we meet on Remembrance Day in St. Norbert, on Treaty 1 lands, the original lands of the Anishinabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene Peoples, and on the homeland of the Red River Métis. We gather to remember and commemorate all those who fought for and sacrificed their lives for our freedom, including those who were Métis and Indigenous, and those who came from our community.

Nous tenons d'abord à souligner que, le jour du Souvenir, nous nous rassemblons sur le territoire visé par le traité no 1, le territoire traditionnel des peuples anishinabe, cri, oji-cri, dakota et déné et  la patrie de la nation métisse. Nous nous rassemblons pour se souvenir et pour commémorer les individus qui ont lutté et qui ont sacrifié leurs vies pour notre liberté, incluant ceux qui étaient métis et autochtones et ceux qui sont de notre propre communauté.

image of a poppy Lest We Forget image of a poppy

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