because our community cares
We would like to thank all our sponsors, supporters and volunteers for their kindness and generosity. Please click on the tabs below to check them all out. And please be sure to thank them next time you see them and/or visit their places of business.
- Community Sponsors
- Community Supporters
- Volunteers
- Organizing Committee
- Wreath Layers
2024 Community Sponsors
Holding events such as Remembrance Day each year wouldn't be possible without the generous donations by our government leaders and corporate citizens.
![]() Markus Chambers, City of Winnipeg Councillor, St Norbert-Seine River |
![]() Billie Cross, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Seine River Billie Cross |
![]() Terry Duguid, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South |
![]() The Fraternal Order of Eagles 3870 Pembina Hwy |
![]() Janice Lukes City of Winnipeg Councillor Waverley West Ward |
![]() John Thompson, Owner, The Medicine Shoppe |
![]() ONE Insurance, Winnipeg St. Norbert Branch |
![]() Peter Ginakes Owner, Pony Corral Restaurant & Bar |
![]() |
2024 Community Supporters
Community involvement makes all the difference in the world.
To Mr. Bernie Lemoine who quietly cares for the St. Norbert Cenotaph year round, you have the thanks of the community at large, the families of the fallen and most importantly, the 13 men whose names are etched in stone.
We'd like to send a special thank you to the following:
- Seine River School Division
- College St. Norbert Collegiate, especially Michelle Archibald, Band Director and the students of the music program (Jazz Choir and Brass Ensemble). Your participation makes our Remembrance Day service so much more touching. Honouring these men the way you do says a lot about the young people that you are.
- École Noël-Ritchot Immersion and Parc La Salle School students reading In Flanders Fields, both French and English.
In addition, we'd like to thank...
- Bloomfield Family
- Canadian Army, Fort Garry Horse
- City of Winnipeg
- Division Scolaire Franco-Manitobaine
- Family of the Fallen (members of the Arthur Carriere, Richard Fenton and Jules Seewald families)
- Fraternal Order of Eagles #3870
- Girl Guides of Canada
- Government of Canada
- Pembina Active Living
- Province of Manitoba
- Royal Canadian Air Force, 402 Squadron
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police, D Division
- Royal Canadian Navy, H.M.C.S. Chippawa
- St. Norbert Knights of Columbus
- St. Norbert Parish - La Barriere Metis Council
- St. Norbert Veterans Memorial Association
- Winnipeg Police Service
- Winnipeg South Lions Club
2024 Volunteer Acknowledgements
Mr. Jim Busby has been instrumental in providing details of the lives and deaths of those men whose names are inscribed on the cenotaph.
Mr. Brian Cyr has provided some great additional information about some of the soldiers listed on the cenotaph. He was able to provide records about the cenotaph itself that we had previously been unable to locate.
Each year, a number of volunteers make our annual Remembrance Day Service so much more special, just by the nature of their involvement.
- Emcee, Charmaine Bloomfield
- Emcee Assistant and Land Acknowledgement, Jonathan Biljardt
- Piper, Mark O'Rourke playing The Lament
- Joan McKenzie, singing O Canada
- Bob Roehle of PAL(55+), who read The Act of Remembrance
- Tribute to Francophone Veterans, retired Superintendent, Seine River School Division, Simon LaPlante
- Tribute on behalf of Métis Veterans, Chair, St. Norbert Parish-Labarriere Metis Council, Genevieve Benoit
- Greg Reid of St. Norbert, who for many years, has provided the power which makes our events possible
- And of course, music director, Michelle Archibald and her students from College St. Norbert Collegiate (including the Concert Choir and the Brass Ensemble), as well as students from Ecole St. Norbert Immersion and Parc La Salle School
- who shared details about the lives of our fallen soldiers
- who sounded their trumpets
- Fall In
- The Last Post
- The Reveille
- who treated us to their musical and spoken voices
- who laid the wreaths and placed poppies on the banner around the cenotaph
- and who recited
- Au champ d'honneur
- In Flanders Fields
- The Commitment to Remember
- Julie Biljardt and Stacy Gorman - Marshalling, plus Dave Simpson Marshalling Runner
- Edomwandagbon Enofe - Canadian Flag
- Colton Cuvelier - Métis Flag
- Art Bloomfield, Ian Cummins and Bill Younger - Wreath organization
- Rej Lafond - Live stream
- Deb Degryse Clark - Photos
- Bill Younger and Ian Cummins - Stage Escorts
- Julie Biljardt, Bill Younger and Jonathan Biljardt - Wreath removal
- and last, but not least, Wendy Bloomfield - who manages this whole event
We'd also like to thank all the volunteers, past and present, who've helped put this event on since its inception. Whether that is a behind the scenes effort, event day participation, or anything to make these events happens, your time and energies fuel the success of the commemoration each and every year.
Our sincerest thanks to each of you!
2024 Organizing Committee
This annual event exists because of the behind the scenes work of a group of dedicated volunteers. The 2024 St. Norbert Remembrance Day Committee is comprised of the following community members:
Art and Wendy Bloomfield - The St. Norbert Remembrance Day service would not exist without the tireless efforts of Art, Wendy and their family. From discovering (or rediscovering) the overgrown cenotaph and cleaning it up... to liaising with the community to garner support... to managing the volunteers to ensure that all the tasks are accomplished... and to leading the community to remember the fallen soldiers with pride and affection... and so much more. With little exception, they pretty much do it all.
Charmaine Bloomfield - Charmaine once again emceed our 2024 In-Person Remembrance Day Ceremony. Charmaine has volunteered since the beginning and has always been a driving force for making things better year after year.
Stacy Gorman - Stacy is helping in so many areas including preparing the wreaths for laying on Remembrance Day as well as marshalling our wreath layers
Bill Younger - Bill will be helping prepare the wreaths for Remembrance Day and take them down days afterwards
Ian Cummins - Ian will be helping organize the wreaths for our Wreath Layers for Remembrance Day
Jonathan Biljardt - Jonathan is our assistant emcee. He will also be presenting our Land Acknowledgement and helping get the wreaths ready for Remembrance Day
Julie Biljardt Julie will be helping marshall our Wreath Layers as well as taking down all the wreaths a few days after Remembrance Day
Deb Degryse Clark - Deb created and manages our website and social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and YouTube) to advertise and promote our St. Norbert Remembrance Day Ceremony.
2024 Wreath Layers
Thank you to all who laid wreaths at the foot of the Cenotaph.
- On behalf of the Government of Canada, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South, Terry Duguid
- On behalf of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Sargent Paul Manaigre
- On behalf of the Royal Canadian Navy, HMCS Chippewa, Sub-Lieutenant Dale Lui and Seaman First Class Watson
- On behalf of the Canadian Army, The Fort Garry Horse, Master Corporal Nazri and Corporal Hoeschem
- On behalf of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Major Richard Hough and Master Warrant Officer David Bonselarr
- On behalf of the National Metis Veterans Association, CSNC student
- On behalf of the Metis Veterans, Deb Degryse Clark
- On behalf of the St. Norbert Veterans Memorial Association, Art Bloomfield
- On behalf of the Province of Manitoba, Members of the Legislative Assembly, for Seine River, Billie Cross and for Riel, Mike Moyes
- On behalf of the St. Norbert Parish-LaBarriere Metis Council, Genevieve Benoit
- On behalf of the City of Winnipeg, Councillor for St. Norbert-Seine River Ward, Markus Chambers and Councillor for Waverley West, Janice Lukes
- On behalf of the Winnipeg Police Service, Constable Justin Santos
- On behalf of the Business Community of St. Norbert, John and Jude Thompson from The Medicine Shoppe
- On behalf of the Education Community in St. Norbert, Superintendent, Seine River School Division, Reg Klassen, Principal, Ecole Romeo-Dallaire, Former Air Force Second Lieutenant, Savin Basque, College St. Norbert Collegiate, Principal, Ms. Kayleigh Sieffert, and Vice Principals, Joanne Comte and Jeff Enns
- On behalf of the St. Norbert Knights of Columbus, Donatien Biseruka, Bernard Lemoine and Gilbert Hince
- On behalf of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Club #3870, Willy Stepushyn
- On behalf of the South Winnipeg Lions Club, Kevin Gamble and Ron Novotny
- On behalf of Pembina Active Living 55+, Dave and Marla Olinyk
- On behalf of the Girl Guides of Canada, Connie Lidster, accompanied by the Girl Guide of Canada, 214th Girl Guide Unit
- On behalf of the 13 Fallen Men recognized on the St. Norbert Cenotaph, cousin of Richard Fenton, Harolyn Capstick and Ian Capstick, great-granddaughter and great-great-grandson of Jules Seewald, Monique Sevald and Oliver Sevald-Saade as well as great-grandaughter and great-grand grandsons of Jules Seewald, Jeanine Sevald-Baulieau and Xavier and Feix Sevald-Beaulieau, Toni Raugust, cousin of Arthur Carriere and cousine of James Normand, Deb Degryse Clark
For information on how you too, can make a difference with this very important annual event, please send us an email.