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The Cenotaph, erected in the St. Norbert Cemetery, was an over-grown, long forgotten homage to the thirteen men who fought and died in World War I and who were connected to the St. Norbert area.

In 2008, Art Bloomfield, long-time St. Norbert resident, took a closer look at the overgrown monument while walking his young grandson to preschool. Soon after, he and his family made it their personal mission to ensure that the cenotaph and those thirteen men whose names are etched in stone were forgotten no more.

Celebrate and honour these men at the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month.

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We love volunteers

Volunteer GraphicEveryone knows that organizations such as ours are nothing without a team of dedicated volunteers.

We are looking to expand our volunteer base. And, we hope, that's where you come in. For all of us, making the annual St. Norbert Remembrance Day service happen is a labour of love.

After a couple of years of doing virtual Remembrance Day services, we are back to an in-person event. We are looking for a number of day-of volunteers because what we do really matters. While the time requirements of some positions may limit your ability to help out in other areas, some positions allow volunteers to help out in more than one spot. We hope you can spare a little bit of your time to help us "Remember the Fallen".

Below is the list of opportunities that are available including time requirements and we encourage you to consider them all.

Information about the volunteer positions:

Wreath set up

Marshalling wreath layers

Set up, assist at the reception at the Eagles Club on Pembina

Clean up at the reception at the Eagles Club on Pembina

skilled videographer with their own multi-camera equipment to live stream the service

Wreath take down at the Cenotaph

Want to Volunteer?

Let us know at

Link to our YouTube Channel